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Permits and Licenses

Zoning and Permit Application

Costs: $10.00 +

Approximate Time from Application to Issue: Varies

Where to Apply:
The Zoning and Codes Enforcement office is located in the Village & Town Offices, 13149 State Route 12, Boonville NY 13309

The ZEO's Office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 8 am - 12 pm  

Submission of application

Zoning and Building Permit Application (DOC - 25.0 KB) 

Site Plan Review

Costs: $25.00

Approximate Time from Application to Issue: Planning Board meets the third Monday monthly

Where to Apply:
Planning Board

All commercial projects:

Residential projects as required by the Codes Enforcement Officer

Site Plan Review (PDF - 228.6 KB)


Costs: $25.00

Approximate Time from Application to Issue: One month

Where to Apply:
The Village & Town Offices, 13149 State Street, Boonville, New York.

After the denial of the Building Permit by the Codes Enforcement Officer.